Y O U   D E S E R V E  A  S U P E R I O R   R O O F

Your Roof Shingle Selection: More than Just Color and Price

Many homeowners purchase a roof with uneducated knowledge, often making decisions based solely on color and price. While these factors are important, they often overshadow the critical aspects of durability, longevity, and overall performance. This tendency leads to uneducated decisions that can result in costly repairs and frequent replacements.

At Rebel Roofer, we believe in empowering homeowners with knowledge to make smarter, more informed roofing choices. Here’s why choosing superior materials like SBS (Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene) shingles can significantly impact the longevity and performance of your roof, reduce potential insurance claims, and minimize costly repairs.


One of the standout benefits of SBS shingles is their enhanced durability. Unlike traditional oxidized asphalt shingles, SBS shingles are designed to be more flexible and impact-resistant. This flexibility allows them to withstand extreme weather conditions, such as hailstorms, high winds, and heavy snow, which are common causes of roof damage.

The superior materials used in SBS shingles also contribute to a longer lifespan. While traditional asphalt shingles may need replacement every 15-20 years, SBS shingles can last significantly longer. This extended lifespan means you won’t have to worry about frequent replacements, providing better value over time.


Choosing SBS shingles can also lead to fewer insurance claims. Here’s how:

  • Lower Risk of Damage: The enhanced durability of SBS shingles reduces the likelihood of damage from weather events and debris impact. This lower risk translates to fewer insurance claims for roof repairs or replacements.
  • Fewer Leak Incidents: The superior sealing properties of SBS shingles mean fewer leaks. Fewer leaks result in less water damage to your home’s interior, preventing costly insurance claims and repairs.


One of the most significant advantages of using SBS shingles is the potential for reducing costly repairs.

  • Reduced Maintenance Needs: SBS shingles are robust and require less maintenance over their lifespan. This reduction in necessary upkeep saves you both time and money.
  • Prevention of Major Repairs: By choosing high-quality SBS shingles, you can avoid major repair costs associated with the failure of cheaper roofing materials. Issues such as complete roof replacements, structural damage from water infiltration, and mold remediation are less likely with durable SBS shingles.
  • Energy Savings: SBS shingles often provide better insulation, helping to reduce energy bills. Over time, the energy savings can offset the initial higher cost of the shingles.


At Rebel Roofer, we understand the importance of making informed roofing decisions. That’s why we emphasize the use of SBS Malarkey shingles, known for their proven performance and durability. We educate our clients on the benefits of SBS shingles, helping them make choices that protect their homes and reduce long-term costs.

Our commitment to transparency and customer satisfaction ensures that you receive the best value and peace of mind with your roofing investments. By opting for superior materials like SBS shingles, you enhance the aesthetic appeal of your roof and invest in a durable, long-lasting solution that minimizes the risk of damage and costly repairs.


While many roofing decisions are driven by price and color preferences, there is a significant opportunity to shift this trend by highlighting the benefits of superior materials like SBS shingles. By focusing on education, transparency, and the long-term advantages of high-quality roofing materials, homeowners can make more informed and sustainable roofing choices.

At Rebel Roofer, we’re dedicated to simplifying, enhancing, and designing roofing solutions that prioritize your needs, safety, and sustainability. Choose SBS shingles for a smarter, more resilient roof that stands the test of time.

For more information on our services and how we can help you make the best roofing decisions, visit our website or contact us today. Together, let’s build a roof that you can trust and be proud of for years to come.


Rafael Antonio Huguet Lotterer, Owner of Rebel Roofer– A division of E81 Studio
Rebel Roofer – Home of the educated Roof Consumer

Call us at (240) 205-3758
or Email us at: info@rebelroofer.com



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