Y O U   D E S E R V E  A  S U P E R I O R   R O O F

The truth about Roofing: The Ten (10) Most Common Shingle Marketing Gimmicks

When it comes to choosing roofing materials, the market is flooded with options, each boasting impressive claims and innovative technologies. However, many of these promises are nothing more than marketing gimmicks. At Rebel Roofer, we believe in cutting through the noise with transparency and honesty. We’re committed to providing our customers with the best possible information to make informed decisions. This blog will expose the 10 most common roofing gimmicks used by manufacturers and show you why Malarkey SBS shingles are the superior choice for your home.


GIMMICK: Promoting “lifetime” warranties that often come with many exclusions, prorations, and fine print that limit their actual value.
REALITY: The term “lifetime” usually refers to the expected life of the product, which can vary widely and may require regular maintenance to remain valid.

HOW MALARKEY SBS SHINGLES PERFORM: Malarkey offers comprehensive warranties that clearly outline coverage without extensive fine print. These warranties provide clear coverage without hidden clauses, giving homeowners peace of mind.


GIMMICK: Advertising shingles as “algae-resistant” with limited-time guarantees, suggesting they will remain pristine for decades.
REALITY: Algae resistance often diminishes over time, and the “resistance” may only last for a few years.

HOW MALARKEY SBS SHINGLES PERFORM: Malarkey shingles incorporate copper granules, which naturally inhibit algae growth for a much longer period, maintaining the roof’s appearance and integrity.


GIMMICK: Highlighting high-impact resistance ratings (e.g., Class 4) without explaining the specific conditions and tests used to determine these ratings.
REALITY: These tests may not accurately reflect the real-world conditions or the cumulative effect of multiple impacts.

HOW MALARKEY SBS SHINGLES PERFORM: Malarkey SBS shingles are Class 4 impact resistant, designed to flex and absorb the impact rather than crack. They maintain their integrity even under harsh conditions.


GIMMICK: Focusing on aesthetic benefits like “designer” shingles or unique colors, suggesting they add significant value to the home.
REALITY: While aesthetics are important, they don’t necessarily correlate with durability or performance.

HOW MALARKEY SBS SHINGLES PERFORM: Malarkey offers a variety of colors and styles that combine aesthetics with performance, maintaining their beauty over time thanks to superior materials and innovative design.


GIMMICK: Promising significant energy savings with “cool roofing” materials that reflect sunlight.
REALITY: The actual savings can vary greatly depending on the home’s location, insulation, and overall energy efficiency.

HOW MALARKEY SBS SHINGLES PERFORM: Certain Malarkey shingles are ENERGY STAR® certified and reflect more of the sun’s rays, helping reduce cooling costs more effectively.


GIMMICK: Promising extremely fast installation times without considering the quality of the installation and not having enough width at the common bond area.
REALITY: Speedy installations can compromise quality, leading to issues like leaks and poor adhesion over time.

HOW MALARKEY SBS SHINGLES PERFORM: Malarkey shingles feature a superior nailing zone with an expanded common bond area that prevents human errors during installation. This ensures each shingle is securely fastened for optimal performance. Malarkey’s focus on proper installation techniques balances speed with meticulous workmanship, resulting in a durable and reliable roof.


GIMMICK: Claiming proprietary technologies (e.g., special granules or adhesives) that supposedly offer superior performance.
REALITY: These technologies might not offer noticeable improvements over standard materials and may just rebrand common features.

HOW MALARKEY SBS SHINGLES PERFORM: Malarkey’s Flexor™ polymer-modified asphalt ensures superior performance in various weather conditions, providing real, measurable benefits.


GIMMICK: Advertising high wind resistance (e.g., 130 mph) without specifying the conditions and installation methods required to achieve this, where many shingles blow off .
REALITY: Proper installation is crucial, and achieving these ratings often requires ideal conditions and meticulous workmanship.

HOW MALARKEY SBS SHINGLES PERFORM: Malarkey shingles have a superior nailing zone and adhere better due to their SBS formulation, achieving high wind ratings up to 110 mph when properly installed and with more nails per shingle at 130 mph.


GIMMICK: Highlights eco-friendly aspects such as manufacturing, recyclable materials, or smog-reducing granules.
REALITY: The environmental benefits can be minimal compared to the overall impact of manufacturing, transporting, and installing the shingles.

HOW MALARKEY SBS SHINGLES PERFORM: Malarkey shingles are made with recycled materials and feature smog-reducing granules that help clean the air, offering genuine environmental benefits.


GIMMICK: Advertising shingles as “low maintenance” without detailing what “low maintenance” entails.
REALITY: All roofs require some level of maintenance, and these claims can be misleading, resulting in homeowners neglecting necessary upkeep.

HOW MALARKEY SBS SHINGLES PERFORM: Malarkey shingles are designed to require less frequent maintenance due to their durable materials and construction, but they also provide clear guidelines on proper care to maximize longevity.


GIMMICK: Promising extremely fast installation times without considering the quality of the installation and not having enough width at the common bond area.
REALITY: Speedy installations can compromise quality, leading to issues like leaks and poor adhesion over time.

HOW MALARKEY SBS SHINGLES PERFORM: Malarkey shingles feature a superior nailing zone with an expanded common bond area that prevents human errors during installation. This ensures each shingle is securely fastened for optimal performance. Malarkey’s focus on proper installation techniques balances speed with meticulous workmanship, resulting in a durable and reliable roof.


Choosing the right roofing material is crucial for the longevity, aesthetics, and energy efficiency of your home. While oxidized asphalt shingles are widely used, they often fall short of their marketing promises. Malarkey SBS shingles, on the other hand, deliver on their claims, providing superior performance, durability, and eco-friendliness. By understanding the shortcomings of traditional shingles and the benefits of Malarkey’s innovative solutions, you can make an informed decision that ensures your roof stands the test of time.

At Rebel Roofer, we believe in transparency and quality. That’s why we exclusively install Malarkey SBS shingles, ensuring our customers receive the best roofing solutions available. Contact us today to learn more about how Malarkey shingles can protect and enhance your home.

Rafael Antonio Huguet Lotterer, Owner of Rebel Roofer– A division of E81 Studio
Rebel Roofer – Home of the educated Roof Consumer

Call us at (240) 205-3758
or Email us at: info@rebelroofer.com



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